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          Ankush Jain

          Bespoke web design for a motivational speaker and guide

          Motive A redesigned structure for a motivational speaker with podcasts
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          About The Project

          Made with ♥ for Ankush Jain in Dec 2015

          The client Ankush Jain is a “Transformative Coach” and wanted to enlist his services. So, more people would come to know how important it is that with the right help a person can be revived. The client wanted Us to make changes in the future. As well as when he grew popular the site would need new amendments. We still provide him with changes. And try to provide the best user experience for the visitors who visit the website. The theme used is great for media and showing videos on your website.

          IndustrySpeakers and Artists
          CountryUnited Kingdom
          Theme UsedCustom